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Jo Beau W300 Pro PTO Chipper

Easily transition from mowing grass to chipping branches with Walker’s seasonal add-on ‘W300 wood chipper’

Do you have a Walker zero-turn front mower in your fleet or are you about to buy a Walker?
Then the Jo Beau W300 chipper is indispensable for you! If you wish to spread the investment of your Walker over the whole year, you can also use it during the cold winter period!
The W300 is a 100% compatible attachment for the Walker ride-on mower with a collection box (from 16 HP*). The knife drum that automatically pulls in the branches and other green waste without input rollers, is driven by the shaft of the front mower.
The wood chips and other shredded green waste are collected in the collector of the mower and can easily and neatly be emptied into a trailer.

The Jo Beau W300 is equipped with two swivel wheels that ensure that the manoeuvrability of the Walker zero-turn mower is unobstructed!

All Jo Beau machines are built according to the valid European guidelines and have a CE-certificate. All machines are supplied with manual and parts list.

✓ Low infeed hopper with wide inlet opening
✓ Very easy handling
✓ Swivling wheels with air tires
✓ hinged infeed hopper for an easy maintenance
✓ Unique Jo Beau drum technology™
✓ Drum ball bearings in heavy industrial version
✓ Hardened rotating knives
✓ Shaft on gearbox mounted on bearings

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